Big Brother - Last Post of the Season - The Ultimate Spoiler

15 September 2009
Jordan won, Jordan won, Jordan won.  She won part 3 of the head of household comp and evicted Kevin.  Smart move for a dumb girl.  I appears the jury house hates Natalie, as evidenced in the 5-2 vote (America voted for Jordan), Kevin and Russell voted for Natalie.  Kevin walked straight out to the live questioning before the vote without getting to talk to the other jury members. 

Jeff got AC, I still think he's a prick but it seems that his funny side is coming back as the stress pours off.  Jordan said she's going to put a down payment down on a house for her, her brother, and her mom and maybe get a new car.  Her mom was giddy with excitement with that news.  As a mother I couldn't imagine accepting such a gift from my child and would encourage her to go out on her own at her age, get her own house, etc..  Oh well, to each their own. 

Big Brother, of course did not reveal the winner until the last 5 minutes of the two hour finale.  It took about 45 minutes just to get to part 3 of the HOH.